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The Homestead Journey Planner


I am so excited to help you get started on your journey towards your BEST year homesteading yet!!  Managing a homestead can be a complicated task.  There are a lot of moving parts to track.   Now, I know there are already a lot of great homestead planners out there.  But, what I find frustrating with pre-printed journals and planners is that there is a lot of stuff that either doesn't pertain to my homestead or isn't something I care to track.  (A section on goats might be helpful to some people, but, Bonnie has said, "NO GOATS" to me so it would just be a waste of space in a pre-printed journal for me.)
 That's why I am creating a journal of printables that I will be releasing all year long in 2021.  I will be releasing each section around the time I think many people will need them.  For example, we are starting with a section on setting goals.  Then we'll follow up with some seed starting things followed by some garden planning ideas and so forth.

My thought is that you can print out the sections that pertain to your homestead (and skip the sections that don't).  Put them in a binder (or maybe two or three binders).  Maybe you want a binder for your garden, a binder for your chickens and a binder for your food preservation.  That's the beauty of this.  You can set it up however it works for YOU.  And you can track whatever matters to YOU.

This first printable is focused on using SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound).  To get it, click the link below to sign-up and receive an email link to the download. (By opting in to the newsletter, you'll receive notifications of future printables as they become available.)

Please do me a favor.  While this is a free printable, if you're enjoying it and want to share it with a friend, instead of sending them the printable, send them here so they can sign up and be notified of the next installation in the series.  Also, I'd love to hear any feedback from you. Let me know what you like. What you don't like.  What I could do better.  My email address is

I hope you enjoy! And as always, keep up the good work!!


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